PPS Tata works actively to ensure that all information and prices displayed here are always accurate. However, it will not be responsible for typographical or other errors that may occur on the site. If the listed price for a vehicle or service is incorrect due to typographical or similar inaccuracies, PPS Tata is only liable for the correct pricing. We will correct the price or information as soon as the mistake is identified. PPS Tata works to provide you with the most precise, up-to-date information, but it is your responsibility to confirm with the Dealer that all details mentioned are correct.
The images and descriptions of vehicles found on our website are based on graphics provided by manufacturers. Please keep in mind that the actual automobile might / might
not differ from the specifications and/or images provided. PPS Tata is not liable for incorrect product information, advertising, or shipping mistakes. Prices advertised and available stock are subject to change without prior notice.
If a vehicle is listed with an incorrect price due to typographical, photographic, technical errors, or inaccuracies in pricing information provided by our manufacturers, the dealership reserves the right to decline or cancel any orders placed for the vehicle at the erroneous price. All listed costs and offers do not contain any state, municipal, or county levies, as well as registration, title, and licensing expenses. Buyers ordering from out of state are responsible for all applicable state, county, and city taxes and fees, plus title/registration charges in the state where the vehicle will be registered. All listed costs and offers incorporate all manufacturer incentives, which remain with the dealer unless otherwise indicated.